
Our history

We are oriented to provide innovative, sustainable and high quality solutions for the chemical industry.
To be leaders in the production and manufacture of chemical products.

CORPORACIÓN GRUPO QUÍMICO, CA (CGQ), began operations in Venezuela in 1953, at the initiative of the brothers Lope and Eugenio Mendoza Goiticoa, initially venturing into the paint industry, establishing the company Sherwin Williams Venezolana CA (today CA Venezolana de Paintings).
In the chemical products sector, its beginnings date back to 1969, with the establishment of CA Química Integrada “Intequim”, which was created for the production of synthetic resins, emulsions and chemical products.
Both companies with operations in the city of Valencia, Carabobo state.
In 1973, it acquired all the shares of Pinturas International CA, founded in 1952 by Maxwell Albert Holzapfel Dick and International Paint of London and sub-licensed by Akzo Nobel Coatings BV, under the International Paint brand, to support Maintenance activities. Industrial of SHELL in Venezuela.
Corporación Grupo Químico CA, over the years became a consortium that brings together various industrial and commercial companies, by virtue of having obtained all the shares of CA Venezolana de Pinturas, in 1983 and of CA Química Integrada " Intequim ”in 1985, together with Pinturas International CA, which are dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of a wide range of chemical specialties, decorative paints, industrial coatings, products for construction, automotive refinishing and road markings.
In the eighties, Corporación Grupo Químico CA, had investments in various industrial companies associated with important companies in the world chemical sector, such as CA Venezolana de Pigmentos "CAVENPI", Epoxiquim CA, Intesika CA and Lubricantes Químicos, LQ. In the nineties, Corporación Grupo Químico CA sold its shareholding in the aforementioned companies to dedicate itself exclusively to the manufacture and sale of a wide range of resins and their derivatives in paints.
Since 1989, it has been registered with the National Securities Superintendency (SUNAVAL), formerly called the National Securities Commission "CNV" and its shares are listed on the Caracas Stock Exchange, fully complying with the requirements and regulations emanating from it. . Seeking compliance with the principles of corporate governance, established in Official Gazette No. 42,171, the "Standards Relating to Good Corporate Governance of the Securities Market" published on July 19, 2021, consequently, it is governed by the Market Law of Securities (currently Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of the Securities Market).